Autore: Edoardo


Le valvole valveIT srl sono costruite in accordo al Decreto Ministeriale 174 (D.M. 174) e sono utilizzabili per l’intercettazione dell’acqua potabile. Si sono conclusi positivamente i test di laboratorio inerenti all’utilizzo delle valvole valveIT sull’acqua potabile come indicato dal D.M.174. valveIT valves were positively tested by chemical laboratory to check if products fullfills the strictly […]

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Batticaloa – Hospital | Sri Lanka | HVAC

Batticaloa Teaching Hospital is a government hospital in Batticaloa, Sri Lanka. It is the leading hospital in the Eastern Province and is controlled by the central government in Colombo. The hospital is the only teaching hospital in the Eastern Province. The hospital is the main clinical teaching facility for the Eastern University. valveIT delivered all the valves for HVAC.

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Saipem approval code for valveIT SAP CODE 15267

Saipem S.p.A. is an Italian oil and gas industry contractor. It was a subsidiary of Italian energy company Eni, which owned approximately 30% of Saipem’s shares until 2016. valveIT srl technology is now approved under following classes:  List of commodity codes already qualified valveit srl SAP Code CLASS M02635015 ORIFICE PLATES AND FLANGES, VENTURI TUBES […]

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